See if Internal Sutures are Right for You (Internal Bra)

Updated on: July 30, 2018

Internal sutures are often used in patients who need revisionary breast surgery for any number of reasons.

How internal sutures are used

With the use of internal sutures, an "internal bra" can be created to position the breast implants into a more desirable place. The sutures are placed inside the body, so there is no visible scarring on the skin.

AlloDerm Regenerative Tissue Matrix is sometimes used with internal suturing to help give more coverage to areas of the breasts that need extra support.

Who is a good candidate for internal sutures?

Anyone who is unsatisfied with the results of their breast augmentation may want to consider internal sutures to correct the problem.

This can include displacement of breast implants—laterally (outwards, towards the sides), "bottoming out" (implants descend too low on the chest and result in the nipple sitting too high on the breast mound), or symmastia (implants migrate medially).

Patient before internal sutures

Internal Sutures

Patient during surgery

Internal Sutures

Patient before and after internal sutures

Internal Sutures

Updated August 2016

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