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Breast Reduction Questions

How does a doctor remove steri-strips in the office? Does it hurt?
Breast Reduction -6 answers
It's been four weeks post-op since my breast lift reduction Read more
Implant is too close to midline and I have crooked cleavage (one breast reduced in implant/pocket size). Undo sutured pocket or switch implant?
Breast Reduction -3 answers
I recently (6 month PO) had one breast reduced due to asymmetry. The left implant was reduced in size and had a pocket revision. Now that the implant has settled, the implant is too close to my midline (goes pa... Read more
I am 4’11," and my great is 34F.
Breast Reduction -1 answer
I want to know if I go down to a 34D will it look okay? Read more
I would like to consult with a surgeon about an alternative form of breast reduction surgery. The currently available methods are not ideal for me.
Breast Reduction -1 answer
I'm proposing an alternative surgery where the incision is made on the top of the breast and breast tissue is taken out from above then the skin is pulled up to create a lift. in this case, the scars would go f... Read more

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